Angela Riemenspergera; RenataUrbaitytea; Sigrid Pasteiner; Fernando GuilhermePerazzo Costa
In the current study the effects of feeding a mixture of organic acids (OA), a phytochemical (Ph) and a permeabilising substance (P) on growth performance of broilers were investigated in 300 1-d-old Cobb broiler chicken. Birds were divided into 2 groups and fed 2 different diets for 6 weeks. Group 1: control (without OA, Ph, P); group 2: experimental (supplemented with OA, Ph, P mixture at 1kg/t of feed). Final body weight (FBW; g/bird) was significantly increased in group 2 compared to the control group (p<0.05; 2630.0 vs 2756.7). Feed intake (FI; g/bird) was higher in the experimental group (4453.3 vs 4585.0), but differences were not significant (p>0.05). Also improvements in daily weight gain (DWG; g/bird) found in birds fed the experimental diet compared to
birds fed the control diet were significant (p<0.05; 64.7 vs 61.6). Feed conversion ratio (FCR) of birds in the experimental group was improved compared to the control group (1.69 vs 1.74). Also the results for FCR did not differsignificantly (p>0.05) between the groups. Liveability was with 94.7% higher in the control group compared to the experimental group (94.0%). However, EPEF was significantly higher (p<0.05) in the experimental group compared to the control group (353 vs 331). In conclusion, the addition of a mixture of organic acids, a phytochemical and a permeabilising substance did improve growth performance of broiler in a 42 day period.
کد مقاله : BTP-002
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