بایوترونیک تاپ 3 - طیور (3)
A. Kovàcs, R. Urbaityte, N. Roth, and S. Weidong
Permeabilizing substances can improve the efficacy of organic acids and phytochemicals.An experiment was conducted to study the effects of dietary supplementation with a conventional acidifier versus a blend of organic acids combined with cinnamaldehyde and a permeabilizing substance (Biotronic Top3, Biomin, Austria) on growth performance, livability and cecum microbiota. Six hundred day-old AAbroiler chicks were randomly assigned to 3 treatments with 4 replicates in each treatment and 50 broilers per replicate. A negative control group received a standard diet, whereas trial group I diet was supplemented with 2 kg of the conventional acidifier and trial group II diet with 1 kg of the combined product. The feeding trial lasted for 42 d. Eight animals from
Angela Riemenspergera; RenataUrbaitytea; Sigrid Pasteiner; Fernando GuilhermePerazzo Costa
In the current study the effects of feeding a mixture of organic acids (OA), a phytochemical (Ph) and a permeabilising substance (P) on growth performance of broilers were investigated in 300 1-d-old Cobb broiler chicken. Birds were divided into 2 groups and fed 2 different diets for 6 weeks. Group 1: control (without OA, Ph, P); group 2: experimental (supplemented with OA, Ph, P mixture at 1kg/t of feed). Final body weight (FBW; g/bird) was significantly increased in group 2 compared to the control group (p<0.05; 2630.0 vs 2756.7). Feed intake (FI; g/bird) was higher in the experimental group (4453.3 vs 4585.0), but differences were not significant (p>0.05). Also improvements in daily weight gain (DWG; g/bird) found in birds fed the experimental diet compared to
IridaPalamidi, VasileiosParaskeuas, Georgios Theodorou, RenataBreitsma, GerdSchatzmayr, Georgios Theodoropoulos, Konstantinos Fegeros and Konstantinos C. Mountzouris
The effect of dietary acidifier (AC) supplementation in combination or not with avilamycin (AV) was evaluated on broiler performance, nutrient digestibility, gizzard pH, activity of digestive enzymes and relative expression of cytokines. A 2×2 factorial experimental design with inclusion of AC (0 and 1 g/kg of diet) and AV (0 and 2.5 mg/kg of diet) as the main factors was implemented. Subsequently, 544-day-old male Cobb broilers were allocated in four treatments (i.e. C – no additions, AC; AV and ACAV), each having eight replicates of 17 broilers, for 6 weeks. Overall bodyweight gain (BWG) was improved (PAC = 0.035) by AC addition. BWG and feed conversion ratio were improved (P < 0.05) by AV addition in all growth periods and overall. Dry matter, organic matter digestibility and