Golzadeh SH, Karevan F, Esmaeilnejad B, Golzadeh A
For several decades, antibiotic in prophylactic doses have been used in poultry diet to improve animal performance and reduced medication costs. Due to bacterial resistance and occurrence of residues of antibiotic in meat, there is interest in finding alternative to antibiotic for poultry production. In this study we investigated the effects of addition of synbiotic on performance of Ross 308. Material & Method: A total 60000 unsexed, one day old Ross 308 broiler chickens were assigned to one of two dietary treatment for six week. Statical analyses were cnoducted with SPSS. The dietary treatment were 1.control(n: 20000) and 2. Basal diets supplement with synbiotic, Biomin IMBO®( n: 40000) (1.5 k/ton in starter, 1 k/ton in grower, 0/5 k/ton in finisher). Total body weight, FCR( Food Conversion Rate) and EEP( European Efficency Factor)
was evaluated on 42 d-old. The highest body weight observed in synbiotic group, which was significantly( p< 0/05) higher than control group. The FCR in synbiotic and ontrol group was 1.81 and 1.93 respectively. The EEP in synbiotic group was 294 and in control group was 271. Result and Conclusion: The result of present study reaveled that use of synbiotic have higher performance in Ross 308 broiler chicken.
کد مقاله : BIP-010
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