Seyed Morteza Dibaji, Alireza Seidavi, Leila Asadpour, and Fernando Moreira da Silva
The current experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of a synbiotic (Biomin Imbo) on intestinal microflora of Ross broiler chickens. A total of 200 male chickens were randomly divided into 20 groups of 10 birds each, kept in 20 pens (1.5 × 1 m each), and fed for 42 d at different synbiotic levels. Treatments included (1) a basal diet without synbiotics (control), (2) a basal diet with synbiotic levels proposed by the manufacturer, (3) a basal diet with synbiotic levels 25% lower than those proposed by the manufacturer, (4) a basal diet with synbiotic levels 50% higher than those proposed by the manufacturer, and (5) a basal diet with synbiotic levels 25% higher than those proposed by the manufacturer. At the end of the 42-d feeding period, 1 bird was randomly selected from each experimental unit, humanely euthanized,
and the cecum was removed to measure the microbial population. The cecal contents were collected in discharge containers for microbial cultures, and counts were conducted after microbial culture. The addition of the synbiotic reduced Escherichia coli and total coliform populations in the intestines of broiler chickens. Conversely, different levels of probiotic increased the numbers of lactobacilli in the intestine of broiler chickens. Concentrations of the synbiotic higher than the recommended levels in the diet increased the lactic acid bacteria population in the gut of broiler chickens.
کد مقاله : BIP-001
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